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new design (december 2005)

original design

alm 18
"bitter lemons"
21 june 2004

recorded at various locations, assembled at the plantation 2003

original artwork : alexis horellou
new artwork (december 2005) : cyril herry


ellende is a mysterious project. no one knows exactly who contributes to ellende. all we can say is that some people contributes sound to one dutch man living in japan. this man carefully builds (he's an architect) his tracks with these sound contributions et voila! active for many years but releasing his music for only 2 years, ellende has fastly got a very strong reputation in the dark ambient/experimental scene thanks to a bunch of cd-r's and mp3's releases on many labels all over the world, creating unique atmospheres that can't be compared to anything else.
this 3" gives a perfect example of ellende music, maybe a little harsher and darker than previous works...


tracklisting :
1. our disagreements
2. bitter lemons

no FLAC version yet, sorry!